Form, Fill and Seal Flexible Film Packaging Machinery
We offer a complete range from 8 to 24 weighing pans. These high performance weighers offer highly accurate weighing with speeds of up to 200 p/m (24 pans).
The multi-head weighers can be used to fill:
The advantages produced by a multi-head weigher can be summarized as:
Sweets, Candies, Bubble Gum, Toffees, Snacks, Cut Crisps, Bakery Products, Biscuits, Chips, Mozzarella Cheese, Cheese (finely grated, shredded or cubed), Fruit and Vegetables (lettuce, radicchio, carrots, potatoes, etc.), Pasta, Dried fruit, Nuts, Corn flakes, Rice, Spices, Granular products, Sticky products, Fragile products, Frozen mince meat, Seafood. /Asset/Multi-Head-Weighers---Scales.jpg

Multi Head Weighing Systems
Multi-head weighing systems are essential where packaging and production require: flexibility, speed, safety and minimum maintenance.We offer a complete range from 8 to 24 weighing pans. These high performance weighers offer highly accurate weighing with speeds of up to 200 p/m (24 pans).
The multi-head weighers can be used to fill:
- Flowpack packs (vertical form fill seal machines)
- Trays (thermoforming machines)
- Pre-formed trays or cups (heat sealing machines)
- Containers (container producing machines, vertical cartoners)
The advantages produced by a multi-head weigher can be summarized as:
- High overall line speed
- Reduced number of broken products
- High degree of weighing accuracy
- High degree of operating flexibility
- May be used along with existing lines
- Maximum hygiene due to easy sanitation as it is constructed in stainless steel AISI 304 with rounded corners, which protect against water ingress
- Reduction in overall cost of line
Sweets, Candies, Bubble Gum, Toffees, Snacks, Cut Crisps, Bakery Products, Biscuits, Chips, Mozzarella Cheese, Cheese (finely grated, shredded or cubed), Fruit and Vegetables (lettuce, radicchio, carrots, potatoes, etc.), Pasta, Dried fruit, Nuts, Corn flakes, Rice, Spices, Granular products, Sticky products, Fragile products, Frozen mince meat, Seafood. /Asset/Multi-Head-Weighers---Scales.jpg